Intense Pulsed Light systems are exceptionally effective at treating pigmented lesions and diffused redness. The visible light delivered by the IPL is selectively absorbed by the pigmented spots or redness in your skin. This treatment is sometimes referred to as photo-rejuvenation. We can treat any part of you body with sunspots, freckles and/or redness.
Remove Age Spots, Freckling, & Treat Melasma
Treatment for freckling, hyperpigmentation, age & sun spots. IPL will reduce general redness of the face and chest that is a result of sun damage. Sun Spots/Age Spots Removal
Also known as "Liver Spots". These darkened areas are usually most prevalent in the sun exposed areas of the body such as the back of the hands, face, shoulders and chest. Treatment options include "spot treating" isolated pigment areas to treating entire areas of the face, neck, arms, back and shoulders. Freckling
Superficial pigmentation, especially on the nose and cheeks can be treated with IPL with two to three treatments over a period of several months. Hyperpigmentation
Often due to repeated sun exposure, especially in fair skinned patients, and is successfully treated with IPL. Melasma
Often the most difficult type of hyperpigmentation to treat. This condition usually occurs secondary to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or with the use of birth control pills. Many treatments may be necessary.